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On My Page you can, among other things, register meter readings, see an overview of your power consumption, see the next invoice, change customer information and more.

It is easy to register the meter reading on My Page, but you can also send the reading by email , chat , SMS (kr. 0.99).

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions


Enter your mobile number and press "Send password".

A one-time password will be sent to your mobile phone. You will have access to all your profiles associated with this number

For login with email and password, click here

Create user

Are you a new user of "My Page"? Please create a new user to be granted access to "My Page".

Please note that you don't need to create a new user if you choose to log in by your mobile phone number.

Contractors, landowners, developers etc.

Use this input against My Page if you want to use our web solution for contractors, suppliers, house builders, landowners etc. This is also to be used for registering form for new grid connections (industry, charging stations, housing estates etc.)

For login or registration